Central Cali Collectors Expo
Next show: Dec 31st, 1969
Total visits: 1488 This week: 11
![]() The Palomino Event Center
2111 Toulumne St
Fresno, CA 93721
Jason Forbis
The show will have 40 vendor sections availible. Each section will be about to have 1-6 tables per section. This is a collector's expo so you are able to bring all your diffrent types of collectibles. Section fees Are $250-$500 per section. This includes partioned section, tables, linens, lunch, drawing prizes and much more. Visit: centralcalicollectibles.com and fill out a vendor inquiry for all the detailed information. Saturday hours 10-6 w/9am earlybird Admin/Sat-$10 Sun $7 Both $15 Please verify the show times and dates before attending the "Central Cali Collectors Expo", as they are subject to change.
Setting up at this show