Great American Coin & Collectibles Show
Next show: Dec 31st, 1969
Total visits: 1519 This week: 3
Tampa Convention Center
333 S. Franklin St.
Tampa, FL 33602
Larry Shepherd
Why Should You Attend the September 10-14, 2024, Great American Coin and Collectibles (GACC) Show at the Tampa Convention Center? • A new generation of shows. For the most part, coin shows are based on decades old thinking that often do not fit today’s collector needs and dealer business models. By contrast, our show is designed to better serve today’s collector needs and current dealer business models. • Designed to be the “Fourth Major” show, (ANA, FUN, CSNS, and GACCS), our 120,000+ sq. ft. of space in the magnificent Tampa Convention Center (named the #1 highest quality convention center in the entire Southeast Region of the U.S. in 2023) enables us to offer over 550 dealer tables on the main bourse floor, and up to 60+ tables for smaller dealers in our unique Dealer and Collector Annex. Designed to go beyond the limitations of a typical Budget Section, our proprietary Annex has been called the most positive innovation in coin show design in the last 60 years by the Editor of Coin World. • Top-flight production and management. The Tampa SuperShow has been designed by Larry Shepherd and will be managed by his company, staffed with experienced show professionals. About a decade ago, Larry led ANA producing some of the most exciting shows of the past decade. More recently, he revived the Central States Show from 170 tables when he assumed management, to 480 tables in 2022, and over 600 tables in 2023. Over 200 dealers left positive comments about he and the tram organized and ran the 2023 Central States Show. His nine person Shepherd Expos’ Tampa team is the same nine-person team who managed Central States in 2022 and 2023. • Top-flight partnership. The Great American Coin and Collectibles Show is an equal partnership between Shepherd Expos Management and Coin World, one of the hobby’s “giants.” With 64 years as the hobby’s greatest and most influential newspaper, Coin World and Amos Media bring an abundance of reputation and resources to our show that other shows can only dream about. • Top-flight advertising and promotion. Coin World has been advertising this show nationally, on-line and in print, every week since November, and will continue to do so until the day the show opens. That’s more newspaper advertising to the nation’s largest market than any show in history—by a factor of at least 20X. Shepherd Expos has sent email blasts on a regular basis to all national dealers, multiple times already, and will continue to do so. Shepherd Expos also communicates via email with every coin club in Florida, Alabama, and Georgia on a monthly basis, offering show updates and subsidized club bus trip rentals to the show. • This is not our first rodeo! Starting a new show can be perilous for first time managers because the “to-do” list ends up being about 10X what they expected, and the costs end up at least double. We know all that, and we know what to do. As noted above, we’ve done this before. • We value your experience and treat you with utmost respect. Every dealer who sets up at this show is a pro, and you deserve to be treated as a pro. That’s why our motto is, “Shows for pros, run by pros.” We strive to be the most dealer friendly show in the industry, without all the goofy, dealer unfriendly rules of other shows. Larry has 39 years’ experience as a dealer, sitting on your side of the bourse table, so he knows how you want and deserve to be treated. • Florida is one of the top two collector markets in the U.S. and all of Florida is easily accessible (except for a small western part of the panhandle) to Tampa by car within an easy four-hour drive. A four-hour or less drive-in market is one of the most important components of show success. • Only major show to provide dealer table opportunities for the smallest to largest dealer, including show tables starting as low as $300. • Only major show to offer an unquestioned “Leave Early” Option and “Saturday optional.” We support your business model, so you can have a 2,3,4, or 5 day show. • Only major show to offer Dealer Day tables at the lowest, or no additional, cost to show table holders. And no, our optional Dealer Day tables will not be scattered around a large convention floor; but rather in a friendly, secure room designed specifically to maximize trading opportunities for Dealer Day. Also, we do not charge table holders and Early Birds and additional fee to walk the Dealer Day floor. • Only major show to actively and continually solicit both collector ( and dealer input (; we want your/their input to enable us to provide a better user experience. • Only major show to provide extensive, diverse, and meaningful numismatic education via presentations and exhibits integrated into and throughout the bourse floor. • Only major show to offer Ambassadorship and Mentoring programs to enhance the show for the benefit of our dealers, guests, and the hobby. See www.GACC.Show for Table Applications, Discounted Hotel Links, and the Show Schedule.
Please verify the show times and dates before attending the "Great American Coin & Collectibles Show", as they are subject to change.
Setting up at this show