Ocala Coin Show 2025
Next show: Dec 31st, 1969
Total visits: 1619 This week: 12
Southeastern Livestock Pavilion Auditorium
2232 NE Jacksonville Road
Ocala, FL 34470
Wade Hampton Harrell
SHOW INFORMATION: Single bourse tables are 8’ with a table fee of $250.00. Corner tables consisting of one (1) 8’ table and one (1) 6’ table are $350. Two OCC memberships and badges are included in the table fee. Tables may be shared with the APPROVAL of the Bourse chairman. All persons behind each table must have a membership identification badge. Additional badges are $10.00 each. Please verify the show times and dates before attending the "Ocala Coin Show 2025", as they are subject to change.
Setting up at this show