Pinnacle Rarities
  Total visits: 4745   This week: 6
Dan Duncan
1800 Cooper Point Rd SW 18-A
Olympia, WA 98502
Dealer # 1449
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About Pinnacle Rarities, Inc.

We provide continuing professional service to a clientele composed of collectors, investors and dealers from all fifty states and several foreign countries. We do not try to be all things to the numismatic community. Rather, we specialize in handling the rarest, most desirable coins our industry has to offer. Whether you have already discovered the rewards of owning rare coins or are just getting started, Pinnacle is well prepared to service your collection or portfolio at any level. One of the first concepts investors and collectors need to understand is that coins, by definition, are not necessarily rare. However, there are rare coins. At Pinnacle Rarities, we deal only in those coins scarce enough to have an inherent reason to rise in value. Simply stated, rare coins are those which are not available in large quantities and require little increase in demand to drive prices up. While there are certainly other important variables to consider along with rarity, historical data and our own experience have shown that rarity offers the best potential for preservation of capital and return on invested funds In our inventory, you will find some of the rarest and finest coins available. More important perhaps, is that quality pertains equally to the coins we sell and the services we offer. Since day one, we have learned that providing investors and collectors with peace of mind is the way to establish long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships. In essence, our programs are designed to ensure the integrity of your purchase throughout the entire cycle, from acquisition to liquidation. We take great pride in earning our clients' loyalty. We build customer relationships through fair pricing, expert advice, market insight, and personal service. Our success is due in large part to our clients' recognition and appreciation of this commitment to the highest level of integrity and quality. The complete resources of Pinnacle Rarities are at your disposal, including the most comprehensive range of high quality coinage and services available today. We are proud of the close relationships we develop with our clients and trust you will come to expect the highest level of responsible and efficient service.

Kathleen & Dan Duncan


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