Total visits: 1245 This week: 9
Additional Information
Collectors Exchange Inc. is an old fashioned company dedicated to helping collectors create, build and nurture their collections. As dedicated collectors themselves, Jay and Nancy Goodfellow understand the special needs, desires, and goals of collectors relative to their collections. Nancy is a long term, committed, collector of jewelry and Jay has been collecting coins for over 50 years. Nothing is so dear and cherished as an old friend and both Nancy and Jay have collections with old friends in them that stretch back to their childhoods. In life changes come to us all, sometimes by chance, sometimes by design and as interests of collectors change fields of focus develop and paths of collecting lead to new avenues. A collector is always finding something new to collect and Collectors Exchange is there to help with these transitions. Whether, buying, selling, trading, upgrading or liquidating one’s collection, if your interests lie within our sphere of expertise we look forward to working with you on your collection. Collectors Exchange specializes in collectors items in the antique and vintage sphere and basically our cutoff date for items is 1950. Our specialty fields are Antique Jewelry; vintage watches mostly American made pocket watches; old coins, including US, foreign, and ancient coins; old currency including US, Confederate, Colonial and foreign issues; vintage ladies collectibles mostly specializing in smaller personal items like hair combs, old purses, opera glasses and lorgnettes; and in general smaller items that would be of interest to a collector. On the business side of things we try to be up to date on contemporary trends and we will pay strong competitive prices for items that are in demand today like old gold, US Silver Dollars, old copper, silver and gold coins, antique filigree jewelry and old small silver collectors items . We restore antique jewelry mostly for our own account, so we will pay a premium price above metal value for broken or impaired antique jewelry that needs restoration that we might wish to add to our collection. Gemstones, especially more traditional types and cuts including Old Mine cuts are another field of interest to us and we are knowledgeable about this subject. Having a website such as the one you are reading this on is a new venture for us and please forgive us our faults as we enter into the world of cyberspace. This website is most definitely a work “under construction” and although the information is available very quickly once on the website, it takes a long time to get it that way as everything has to be photographed, described, edited and priced before it can be uploaded to the website. We hope to have everything up and running by Christmas-time (please note we are not saying what year), and we hope that browsing our website will be at all times an enjoyable experience.
With our best regards and our sincere hope that we may move forward together with many new friends we hope to make in the world of collecting. Show Schedule